Well hello! It’s been quite a while since I last reflected on this little page, and wow am I sorry ...
Walking with Mary & Elizabeth
In honor of the feast of the visitation, one of my favorite days of the year, I thought it would be ...
The Little Sacrifices
Although I typically am the kind of woman who goes all or nothing when it comes to life, and more ...
Fasting on Valentines
What a beautiful and rare gift it is to have Valentine’s Day on Ash Wednesday this year. Today, we ...
Dating Well at a Distance
Distance dating is something that is only truly understood through experience. The long travel days, ...
He Will Be There Too
Discernment of where we go, what we do, and which holy vocation we live is a simple process we ...
Making the Choice to Veil
To veil or not to veil, that is the question. As I have seen more and more women begin the act of ...
A Change in Disposition
As I lean into the coming changes within my life, I have often found myself wondering, “What if I ...